This is the Youth Development group learning to make compost piles and plant all different types of things. If this looks like one person chopping grass with a machete while everyone else is watching or chatting, that´s because it is. Not only are we in
These two are at the school that I was teaching at during training. Well, I don´t know if I would call it teaching because my Spanish was pretty flimsy back then. However, this day we were just playing around with the kids. One pic is of my friends kickin the soccer ball around with the kids, and the other is the classroom after the party and piñatas.
The town of
These two are my host sisters in Cantaranas. They are the only ones that can rival the puppies for cuteness. The baby`s name is Lilibeth, but that took me a long time to figure out because they don`t pronounce the “th.” She was hilarious. Not only could I get a smile out of her whenever, I also taught her to give me the hi 5. If you look closely she´s rockin the bull horns, quite the lady.
The next two pics are of Paola. In the first one she is bringing me a can of juice when I was sick. She was my best pal in Cantaranas. She would make sure we ate every meal together and would constantly be hanging out with me, even though we usually couldn´t understand each other. The second pic is on Day of the Kids. This is where all the kids in town get the day off and there are all kinds of activities during the day. With all the piñatas throughout the day, every kid went home with pockets full of candy. All lot of kids get new clothes on this day too. So I had to take a picture of Paola sportin her new threads in pink cowboy boots.
Hey, the last picture is me! I thought this was pretty funny face I was making. It just so happens that this is the first picture my host brother had ever taken. You can tell by my eyes and how close the flash was.
These pics are of the parade on Independence Day. The entire parade was huge, it included: numerous sections of drums/bands, dancers, political groups and organizations from town and area around it. The first pic is ten piece band in the back of a tiny truck. Not only did they fit everyone in the truck, but they added tropical vegetation and played a great tune. The second pic is the high school kids playing the drums. They practiced for this for more than a month, multiple hours a day. There were five or six groups the same size as this one spread throughout the parade, and all were dressed just as stylish.
The first few pictures are my neighbors/roommates during training. They had just learned to walk about fives days after I got there. It couldn´t have been better timing. They were always right by my door or following me around because there little shed was only like fifteen feet from my door. If I would have let them they would have eaten my toes at least a thousand times. Well probably not, they didn´t have much of a bite. Anyways, here they are.