lunes, 11 de agosto de 2008

Diversity Charla

Here are some photos of a trip to the North Coast that was for business and I swear had nothing to do with that gorgeous beach in the background of the first photo.
Here's part of the group. There were a lot of us!

The one with that beautiful smile is my friend Vinita

Here's me doing my thing. So I want to explain what I was talking about real quick because it's actually pretty funny.

The class starts with all of us filing in and sitting down. None of us speak a word except for the one person they already know, our host, so that the kids don't know where we're from. There's about 15 of us and we all have a piece of paper in front of us. The instructions to the kids is to come to the front and mark our pieces of paper with an X if they think we're from the US. Well, after all 40 some kids got done I only had 5 X's. I'm usually the one that gets an X from all the kids. I think I got saved by the blond haired girl sitting was sitting on my left, who isn't even in Peace Corps. Anyways, my job is the best because I get to tell the kids that we are all from the US. It's not uncommon to receive loud gasps of disbelief.

I assume this was taken while I was talking to the kids since my seat is the open one. I'm not sure whether they all look astonished because I said some thing wrong in Spanish or they're just really attentive.

sábado, 28 de junio de 2008

Peace Corps Fun

Here are some pics to show what PC Volunteers do to have fun.

We Cut Each Other's Hair

We Play Big-Stake Poker

We Make Amazing Concoctions of Guaro (honduran moonshine), Water and Honey

We Realize It's Not So Amazing

We Come Up with Awesome Ideas for Tattoos! (don't worry mom, it's not real)

Biblioteca Mobil

A few weeks back some community leaders and I took the library on the road up to the small villages in the mountains. We visited one small school where we performed Hora de Cuentos (Story Hour) and put on a drawing contest. The kids loved every minute! Here are some pics.

The kids hard at work on their drawings.

The 3 Finalists - It was tough to select the winner. Who would you choose?

Here she is! The winner of the Grand Prize!

Finally, a picture of my counterparts and friends from San Luis. The guys actually do have faces, it's just a sunny day and bad shadowing.

miércoles, 16 de abril de 2008

Taylor and I - Bay Islands

Here are pictures from my trip with Taylor back in January. We went to a small island called Utila, which is just off the North Coast of Honduras. Nothing short of amazing.

This is half the pictures that I took on this trip, I know horrible, but I thought I'd let Taylor take the photos. So click this link and you can see all her photos too.

miércoles, 9 de abril de 2008

Partido Numero Uno

These are all from one day when my baseball team took on a neighboring team, Talanga. They are actually like 3 hours a way but that's close for where I am in Honduras. We played a 3 inning game before they had to leave so they could catch the bus back to Talanga. The first photo is of the opposing team warming up.

And now here's my team warming up! Really they had been playing around for over an hour waiting for the other team to show up.
I love this action shot.
A Tense Moment!

Youth Group Hike

These pics are from a hike with a local youth group, Zona X. It's part of the library in town, which is an NGO (non-governmental organization) from the states. They're a lot of fun to work with and we get a lot of resources from New York, New York. This library is also the reason why I'm able to upload these photos. I get to use free internet as long as I want right from my site! It's pretty awesome.

Anyways, the hike. We walked for a couple hours up to a local waterfall. That's the waterfall in the background of the first photo, and the same one in the last two.

jueves, 14 de febrero de 2008

Pending Doom

As I was coming back from a half a day hike I suddenly saw a picture opportunity of my beautiful town San Luis. Focusing on the sun shining down on the town, of what seemed almost heavnly, I paid little attention to infinite darkness rolling over the mountains. After I sat down and had a snack before I made the last stretch home, I soon realized there was no possibility of staying dry.

Same spot 10-15 minutes later. Soaked me to the bone. Luckily I had a plastic bag that saved my precious camera.

Conocering el Campo

Here's a couple of pictures from a hike I went on last Sunday. Can you find Waldo?

This is a Honduran cow. Mal nurished and check out those horns! They are literally growing into her eye! Pobrecita!

Here's a neighboring village. Poor, but rich in beauty, right? Got to look on the bright side.

This guy and his buddy were circling me for a long while. I figured it was because of one of two reasons: I was near their nest or they thought I was about to die. I was thirsty but other than that I was feeling fine, so it must not have been the latter.