sábado, 28 de junio de 2008

Peace Corps Fun

Here are some pics to show what PC Volunteers do to have fun.

We Cut Each Other's Hair

We Play Big-Stake Poker

We Make Amazing Concoctions of Guaro (honduran moonshine), Water and Honey

We Realize It's Not So Amazing

We Come Up with Awesome Ideas for Tattoos! (don't worry mom, it's not real)

Biblioteca Mobil

A few weeks back some community leaders and I took the library on the road up to the small villages in the mountains. We visited one small school where we performed Hora de Cuentos (Story Hour) and put on a drawing contest. The kids loved every minute! Here are some pics.

The kids hard at work on their drawings.

The 3 Finalists - It was tough to select the winner. Who would you choose?

Here she is! The winner of the Grand Prize!

Finally, a picture of my counterparts and friends from San Luis. The guys actually do have faces, it's just a sunny day and bad shadowing.